October 26, 2022
Strategy and Innovation
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4 min

Top 10 CIO Technology Priorities

Last week we talked about how you can help your CEOs with their priorities, here are 10 CIO technology priorities you should be managing in 2017.
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As a CIO, you have a lot on your plate as technology and markets change quickly on multiple fronts: time-to-market and speed of IT innovation, tighter budgets, and the demand for technical innovations to produce a higher ROI.Last week we talked about how you can help your CEOs with their priorities, here are 10 CIO technology priorities you should be managing in 2017.

Skill Shortages

According to a Society for Information Management (SIM) report, skill shortages are a top concern for 24 percent of IT leaders.You need better trained workers with hard skills such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, and software and Web development, as well as employees who can combine technical skills with soft skills such as leadership and strategic thinking.

Bimodal IT

One approach to managing IT services delivery and development is bimodal IT. With this model, one area focuses on agility and one on stability.It's a simple but effective way to organize things that are known and understood in your organization, while helping you come up with innovative ideas, approaches and technologies.

Increasing Digitalization

The Gartner 2017 CIO Agenda study reported that top IT performers are significantly ahead of marginal companies when it comes to spending on digitalization.They look for and develop ways to move traditional business processes to a digital format to improve service delivery and cut costs.

Intelligent Networks

As machine-to-machine connectivity continues to expand, and the Internet of things (IoT) creates intelligent networks, data must be distributed in real time.The networks must be able to increase and reduce in size based on demand, providing users with relevant information at a glance.

Meshing IT and Business Goals

The SIM study reports that CIOs are taking on increasingly strategic roles in the enterprise. More than 46 percent report to the CEO, followed by smaller percentages reporting to the CFO or COO.With a higher profile and increased responsibility to maintain a healthy bottom line, you must be able to communicate goals effectively to business leaders.


Every day, another high-profile hack of a company or government organization is announced. CIOs are concerned about traditional security challenges such as hackers and internal vulnerabilities.But IoT and data networks are bringing a whole new host of security concerns.

Driving Innovation

As the IT role shifts from a cost center to a profit driver, it’s vital you keep pushing innovation in technology and service delivery.IT, cloud computing and intelligent machines are changing almost every business sector.Because organizations rely so much on IT in today’s business climate, innovation must happen faster than ever.

Optimizing the Digital Experience

From operations to customer service, how customers experience digital transactions will rapidly separate winners and losers in your industry.Top firms will ensure the CMO is involved in every market-facing implementation to help create a smooth, seamless digital customer experience.

Cost Reduction and Improved Efficiency

Changing technology has moved the CIO role to front and center in the organization, helping you garner more resources and services to deliver results for the company.But you are also being asked to do more with less by cutting budgets and wring savings from every corner of your operations.

Data Governance and Compliance

A growing number of privacy laws and data protection rules are making it more difficult every year for you to stay in compliance.For example, the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply from 2018, one more challenge in your battle to meet complex industry and government rules and guidelines.The rapidly changing face of data and tech has helped raise your profile in the organization. At the same time, new challenges test your ability to adapt and lead in the coming months.

For help on any of these priorities...


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