Dynamic Client Portal for Clean the World

What happens to the soap after a guest checks out of their hotel? This question posed by frequent business traveler, Shawn Seipler, inspired a green movement. He embraced the opportunity to turn one man’s trash into another’s life-saving treasure. Clean the World is the result of that vision. Its mission: “Recycling soap to save lives.”

Clean The World
Business Solutions
Streamlining hospitality partner interactions.
Automated digital platform and Impact Portal.
Efficient onboarding, enhanced partner engagement.

Key Results

Our collaboration with Clean the World yielded transformative outcomes. These results demonstrate the dramatic improvements in process efficiency, user engagement, and environmental impact achieved:

  • Automated bin request and shipping label generation
  • Enabled efficient onboarding of over 4,000 hotels in one day
  • Grew the online portal to over 20,000 users within a year
  • Provided hotels with insights into their environmental impact and contribution to saving lives

Project Overview

What happens to the soap after a guest checks out of their hotel? This question posed by frequent business traveler, Shawn Seipler, inspired a green movement. He embraced the opportunity to turn one man’s trash into another’s life-saving treasure.

Clean the World is the result of that vision. It’s mission: “Recycling soap to save lives.”

How It Works - The collection process is simple. The housekeeping teams gather the leftover hygiene items after a guest checks and deposit them into dedicated bins. When the bins fill up, the hotels submit a request for pickup. The bins are then swapped for empty ones and the full bins get shipped back to a Clean the World facility. The sorted soap is then ground down, treated with a proven disinfecting process, reformed into brand new bars and distributed to underprivileged families in over 128 countries.

With substantial growth came an increased need for a tool that would help with logistics. A manual system for requesting bins, printing shipping labels and viewing impact statements would no longer suffice. They needed a tool that would create a good customer experience while streamlining logistics. Their previous model required reliance on direct contact. A staffer had to address every request, even for a routine shipping label. This was easy to do when Clean the World was small, but as they grew it became progressively unmanageable.

Clean the World needed a better way to facilitate shipments and demonstrate impact to their growing network of partners.

Our Approach

Concepta became a partner in that mission by providing a new automated system for interaction with their hotel partners. This automation means Clean the World can now bring on thousands more hospitality partners and improve customer service at the same time. After identifying the main bottlenecks in Clean the World’s process, Concepta went to work on an ambitious solution. They designed a digital platform that provides hospitality partners real-time, round-the-clock, direct access to Clean the World’s services. Requesting new bins is now an automated process that generates shipping labels and orders new bins on demand. The need for frequent direct contact has been eliminated. Hotel staff can simply sign in, print labels, and schedule the exact bins they need.

Most exciting is the mobile-responsive Impact Portal. Partners can pull up live, site-specific metrics illustrating exactly how much they’ve accomplished. The feature was one of Clean the World’s priorities, says Sandy Beauchamp, VP of Marketing.

“A big part of our service is the impact statements. Hotels want to know their impact: how much waste they’ve diverted, and how many bars of soap have been distributed because of their hard work. We want to showroom attendants the results of their efforts, so we can make a huge difference in the lives of the people we serve. Soap really does save lives!”

Closing Remarks

The shift from manual, labor-intensive processes to an automated onboarding system enabled the organization to onboard over 4,000 hotels in a single day, a task previously unthinkable. This streamlined process not only accelerates partner engagement but also significantly speeds up the soap recycling and distribution. With over 20,000 users now active on the portal, Clean the World has shifted its focus towards enhancing customer service, addressing more complex and technical inquiries. This case illustrates how technological innovation can free organizations to concentrate on their core mission, improving both operational efficiency and service quality.

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